PPC Minutes September 2016

7th September 2016

  1. Present: Father Denys Lloyd, Breeda Godfrey, Mary Dalton, George Brooks, Ann Davies, Colin Fisher, Caroline O’Grady Mary Mustoe-Arthur, Richard McNulty
    Other Attendees: Deacon Andrew, and 3 parishioners.

    Opening Prayer for our Parish

God, the creator and giver of all good things, bless our Parish in this united endeavour. Strengthen our faith and grant us the spirit of sacrifice that, with your help, we may provide for the needs of our Parish, give glory to you and sanctify ourselves. We ask this through Christ our Lord Amen.

  1. Apologies for Absence:, Keith Holt, Janet Arbuthnot, David Boland, Gavin Dvelys, Father Tim Bugby

  2. Minutes of 16th June 2016
    Minutes signed as true record by Chair.

  3. Matters Arising
    D. Boland has tendered his resignation, verbal thanks offered – Breeda to write to David.
    5 – Colin Fisher had raised query re publication of parish accounts
    13 – update- Simon Mustoe-Arthur had been in touch with all relevant parishioners re DBS renewal and work was ongoing.

  4. Finance Committee report
    In Keith Holt’s absence Father Denys reported that the Finance Committee had met last week. On target as per budget for weekly offerings. Painting at Sheringham due shortly. Proposal re 100 club funds was discussed and agreed that the scheme had been set up to have non ring fenced money available for general church expenditure.
    Safety issue raised re steps to Boiler room at Sheringham remedial work will be attended to promptly.

  5. Social and Fundraising Report.
    Father Tim sent a report. Summer produce stalls had raised £556, recognised that there was only a small group of contributors, thanks to all who purchased goods. Coffee mornings and strawberry tea raised £417.60; Parish luncheon held during the day was enjoyed and also raised £116. There will be a repeat daytime event pre Lent 2017 and transport will be organised where required to increase participation.
    “All Things Bright and Beautiful: An Exhibition of Vestments and Treasures was an extremely successful evangelistic and social event, £757.50 was raised and kindly donated to parish. Very enjoyable event for all who attended and who volunteered to welcome visitors. Thanks to Father Tim for sharing his collection, possible repeat event at larger venue to include items which were unable to be shown because of lack of space.
    McNulty breakfast last weekend made £61.65 profit.
    Thanks to all who provide and support fundraising events. Harvest Festival and Curry night due in the Autumn and liturgical events listed in parish diary. The next social and fundraising group will meet on 1
    st November to plan events for 2017, all welcome for any new ideas and new members.

  6. Food Bank

Highly successful Summer Fete held at St. Joseph’s, approximately £2,000 raised. There have also been some successful grant bids. The parish had been thanked for allowing the use of the church hall and grounds.

  1. Parish 100 Club
    Peter Godfrey reported – renewal process to take place from October onwards.

  2. Diocesan “Alive in Faith” Fund Raising Project
    Father Denys reported on the progress across the Diocese. Approximately £4 million has now been pledged, the campaign continues to be a great success. Group 2 has finished and Group 3 has been receiving first pledges. Father Denys confirmed that our parish had so far sustained 100% of pledges made.

  3. Masses for Sick and Housebound Sheringham
    SVP now renamed North Norfolk Conference has taken on oversight of both masses. This will include ensuring transport for those unable to make their way to church independently. These will be known in future as Healing Masses – covering physical and emotional distress. The next one is on the feast of St. Luke; Father Tim will officiate at the mass followed by tea.

  4. New Evangelisation
    Café events October 1st and 15th in Newmarket 9am to 3pm there will be a pilot course of “The Gift – a Life in the Spirit” which is planned to be a Café programme, consisting of 6 sessions using DVD and discussions. Breeda will attend session on 1st and Mary to attend session on 15th, reporting back to next PPC
    Wednesday Word – being very well received, Father Denys was asked if Gavin could include link on parish website – Action Father Denys

  5. Corpus Christi 2017
    As agreed at last PPC, procession to follow 11am mass at St. Joseph’s and parishioners would probably be asked to bring packed lunches; teas and coffee available. It was hoped this would increase participation.

  6. PPC Personnel
    Breeda updated the meeting on membership and transition/handover arrangements. Breeda, Diana and Miriam have one more year of their 6 year appointment to run. Richard McNulty had been asked by Father Denys to take on Vice Chair shadowing role with a view to taking on the Chair role when Breeda’s term of office ends. Richard had kindly agreed.
    Father Denys to appoint to the vacancy left by David Boland’s resignation.
    PPC members asked to approach individuals interested in joining to encourage more parish engagement. Father Denys will publicise in bulletin after Easter 2017

  7. Posada Devotion in parish – following last year’s successful launch this will be repeated this year. Father Denys will have lists available for those willing to host the statue. Feedback was how nice it had been to have the Posada moving across the whole parish area and forming new friendships as people met and shared the devotion.

  8. Council of Laity 12th November 2016
    Bishop Alan has called a meeting to relaunch the Council of Laity; Breeda will attend and report back.

  9. Any other business:

a. Publication of church services – Richard commented on the number of new builds taking place and whether information could be provided about mass times etc. Father Denys to speak to colleagues in Sheringham and Cromer to seek support to publicise service times. Action: Father Denys

b. Christmas 2016 – confirmed that as Christmas day is on a Sunday this year there will be no coffee after mass

c. Visitor “dress” notices – have been displayed. Meeters and Greeters can offer wraps which are at the back of both churches.

e. Hymn Choices at St. Joseph – discussion re hymns and congregation singing. Father Denys to discuss with Jim Laird, it is important to recognise rich tradition of music and to increase knowledge. Suggestion made re possible rehearsal sessions to learn new hymns and increase participation. Father Denys to explore further.

  1. Date and Location of Next meetings

    Thursday 1st December 2016 at OLR and
    Wednesday 15
    th March 2017 St Joseph’s (apologies from Breeda)